
Polinas Wines

Doc Sardinia Organic Wines

Giovanni and Sebastiano Polinas, have beenhanded down their knowledge by many generations of winemakers with their history based on work, sacrifice and quality wine.

Sebastiano, a winemaker specializing in the production of grapes and organic wines, brings his great experience gained from the twenty years of study and work carried out at renowned wineries allover Italy whlist Giovanni brings his skills as a winemaker and knowledgeable business manager.

Sebastiano, a winemaker specializing in the production of grapes and organic wines, brings his great experience gained from the twenty years of study and work carried out at renowned wineries allover Italy whlist Giovanni brings his skills as a winemaker and knowledgeable business manager.

The management of organic certification, is characterized by the joint struggle against harmful insects and by the use of natural products, both against cryptogams and for the enrichment of soils, thus favouring biodiversity in the vineyard.

the earth gives back what you give it


Respect the cycle of nature that generates and regenerates


Cultivate the land with respect, technique and passion


Working to enhance the fruits that nature gives

About us

Polinas Wines | La nuova Sardegna

Polinas Wines | La Nuova Sardegna A Bonnanaro si riparte con i vini prodotti dalla cantina dei fratelli Sebastiano e Giovanni Polinas della Polinas Wines. L’articolo di Daniela Deriu su La Nuova Sardegna

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Il Cannonau bio di Polinas

Giovanni e Sebastiano Polinas Figli di numerose generazioni di viticoltori in Sardegna, Sebastiano e Giovanni fondano la propria storia sul lavoro della terra e sulla passione per la vite coltivata in Bio e per il vino di qualità. Note di degustazione Bel colore porpora/rubino invitante; al naso è un mix tra frutto…

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Concorso Venere Callipigia

Concluso con uno strepitoso successo il ricco palinsesto della manifestazione Wineup expo 2018. ”Il vulcanico vino viaggio fra storia, vino, cibo, arte culinaria e innovazione”, a cura dell’associazione Sicilia pro events rappresentata dal Dott. Massimo Picciotto. Dopo tre giorni di “conclave” le 5 commissioni di degustazione, costituite da Enologi, giornalisti…

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